Coaching & Fitness Instruction · Massage & Injury Rehab · Private Members Gym
Our Full Pain & Injury Assessment will help you to understand what is hurting, why it's hurting, will provide information on what you need to do in order to move out of pain and will coach you to correctly perform your rehab exercises.
It is designed to enable you to walk away from the appointment with a full understanding of your injury, what caused it, why it’s taking time to heal and a confidence in your ability to rehabilitate yourself via the proper execution of rehab exercises.
During this 90 minute assessment we will take a history from you of your pain/injury and any relevant other factors. We will also assess the current impact of your pain/injury on your health and well-being.
A range of movement screens and muscle strength tests will also be conducted and we will provide initial treatment where appropriate. You will be advised on the types of rehab exercises that we would recommend specifically for you & your injury, and then coached on their proper execution.
Please note that in order for this service to address your pain and injury it is expected that you will commit to a short period of intense home or gym based rehab (from 2-4 weeks) followed by a longer less intense programme designed to instil good body maintenance habits to ensure you have a healthy happy body long into the future!