Foot pain is often a delayed signal of pre-existing problems of the feet! 👣
Our feet can take a lot of punishment before they reach a breaking point. Foot pain is often a very delayed signal when it comes to foot dysfunction. If you have flat feet, have orthotic inserts for running or generally moving around, there is a possibility that you may develop some degree of foot pain in the future. In this article, we'll explore how taking proactive steps, including sports massage and injury rehab, can alleviate foot discomfort and improve overall foot health.
Most of us are aware of the benefits of regular (moderate) exercise and stretching for general health and well-being. The same is true for most any physical issue you care to mention and this incudes your feet.
If you wear orthotics or have flat feet, instead of waiting until they hurt, start taking care of your feet right now and consider incorporating sports massage and into your self-care routine. in addition, why not step outside the modern day comforts and conveniences (in this case orthotics) that may be weakening the very structures you need to avoid pain; for a small amount of time each day and work on strengthening and stretching your feet and lower legs.👣 Here are some basic ways to get started: .
Spend time barefoot. Start in the house and maybe in warmer months, venture outdoors. This might seem simple but it is immensely powerful to feel the ground without a barrier!
Balance on one leg barefoot for 30-60s. Grip the floor with your foot and feel all those muscles in the lower leg working hard to hold you upright
Stretch the calves with heel drops. Stand on a low step and slowly sink your heels until you feel a stretch in your calves . If you get comfortable using both feet together, you can get a deeper stretch by working one leg at a time
Try to switch to natural footwear that has a wide toe box that allows your toes to spread out, and a thin sole - wear these for short periods of a time as you build up your foot strength
It is possible for many folk to wean themselves off orthotics by working on foot mobility and strength everyday (spending time barefoot is a very simple method of doing this). Orthotics are crutches for your feet - in most cases the cause of the need for the orthotics is a simple musculokeletal imbalance that could be remedied by appropriate strengthening and stretching.
Start taking care of your feet and your feet will take care of you👣
Final thoughts: there are always a small number of cases where orthotics are required lifelong (major physical disability, leg length disparities etc), however in most cases the orthotic should be a short term support during a period of physical rehabilitation, the end result of which is the elimination of the need for the orthotic.
At Myokinetics, we specialize in addressing complex musculoskeletal imbalances affecting the body including the lower back, hip, and limb problems. This article focuses on foot and lower leg weaknesses that may necessitate orthotics temporarily. If you suspect hip instability is contributing to your foot pain, consider a pain and injury assessment by one of our functional rehab specialists for a personalized program to eliminate instability and alleviate foot discomfort. You can book a session here
Prioritize the health of your feet through proactive measures, such as sports massage, injury rehab, and targeted exercises. By taking care of your feet now, you can prevent future pain and discomfort. If you feel you need further support, feel free to book a session with Myokinetics for a thorough assessment and personalized rehab program tailored to your specific needs in Chester. Your feet may well thank you!
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